Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Can you feel it?!?

Alright! After a quick nap I am now back on track. Or, after a quick nap, lots of pizza and some icecream. And some Jackson 5. Anyways!

Since Sweden was extremely crushed by Russia we have all been feeling extremely low, sad... rootless. That's why we haven't been updating lately.

But now! It's better! Happiness!

Sara is back, and she has really landed, she's a part of our lives again. And so is Olof, by now. He made copys of our keys even. And when Sara moves back to Sweden he's going to take her room. Wich is... wierd, in ways, but nice as well. Lots of fun. I'm sad that Sara's leaving but happy that Olof is moving in.

Last night Jojo arrived, with gifts! Candy and fishy things for me and I like her now. Fiiiish. And tomorrow (on Dave's birthday!) Amalie is arriving!!! It's great! We all miss her so.

Work is a bit tough, lots of calls and not very nice ones. We're all feeling a bit stressed out and tired over that.

But hey... Six people living on 22 Vicar for a couple of days. How about that, huh? Then Olof (who doesn't really live here but spends most nights) goes home to Sweden for his vacation. (Home? I didn't mean home. Cork is home. Sweden is gestapocountry.)

Well, all in all, life is pretty good.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

You Can't Always Get What You Want

Damn Spain!!!

Ok, so we lost, but that is not a reason to be down. Instead Danne made the bar owner play "När vi gräver guld i USA" and we all sang "who's the man? ZLATAN!!!". We certainly are gracious losers.

Now Danne is making dinner and later we are all going out to show off the gorgeous flags we have painted on out cheeks (:

Btw, I haven't really been a good blogger the last couple of weeks and I'll make sure you are all up to date in a couple of days. But now, drinks!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Story like!?!?

We do not write enough nowadays! Stuff has been going on around here like you wouldnt beleive it. Sara has been gone for six weeks, and instead we had Viola living here, and then Johan as well, in the living room. And Olof a whole lot in Marias room... And every now and then... other guests. Viola and Johan became good friends and decided they wanted to keep living together, and they do, right around the corner! (Across the street from Tom Barrys... Makes me kinda want to call them and tell them to come down for one... But I'm way to tired.)

Also I forgot to do all the important stuff I was gonna do today. I ate pizza... And then my brain turned off. Anyways!

They moved out just a few days ago and Sara is back inna da house! Work is really different, Nicolai (commonly reffered to as "Pornboy") moved back to Denmark, Viola and Johan are there, Sara left and came back, Liz was moved and Marta sits over with us instead... The mood is high at work, especially after Sweden won their first game! Keep this up and we will all be hysterical all the time. I'm helping Björn from socs out with routercalls... That he's helping us with. (He knows danish. We have no danish agent.)

And even higher since we got monopoly on our computers! Thank you norwegian nerd! Now we can't focus at all... And we hate eachother intensely. So much funsies.

Pretty soon we will be even more people in here, Amalie, our most beloved Danish girl comes here in just a couple of weeks! And Jojo, Sara's sweetheart asian babe, is going to live for a couple of weeks in 22 Vicar as well! Popular house this... Our list of telephone numbers to familymembers that we have on the fridge in case of emergency is just gonna keep growing I guess... I like it.

Now it's pretty late and I'm doing some dishes, after that it's either straight to bed or maybe some Angel and ice cream... We'll see what Maria says.

/Yours truly

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The joy of being Swedish!

I'm not a football-fan... Well, actually, I think it's rather boring. I have never really watched any games. But, yesterday I did, I watched Sweden - Greece and Sweden won! All of us Swedish people went to Skybar, a pub here in Cork, to watch the game on big screen. Although the field seemed too small and too slippery, at least for the Swedish players, it was nice to watch it! I even wore a blue top over a yellow one, I felt so Swedish!

Today we are all talking about it at work. Carin even brought cupcakes and small Swedish flags with her! So we are happy, and even me, who don't really like football, can feel it. Yay, go Sweden!