Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Can you feel it?!?

Alright! After a quick nap I am now back on track. Or, after a quick nap, lots of pizza and some icecream. And some Jackson 5. Anyways!

Since Sweden was extremely crushed by Russia we have all been feeling extremely low, sad... rootless. That's why we haven't been updating lately.

But now! It's better! Happiness!

Sara is back, and she has really landed, she's a part of our lives again. And so is Olof, by now. He made copys of our keys even. And when Sara moves back to Sweden he's going to take her room. Wich is... wierd, in ways, but nice as well. Lots of fun. I'm sad that Sara's leaving but happy that Olof is moving in.

Last night Jojo arrived, with gifts! Candy and fishy things for me and I like her now. Fiiiish. And tomorrow (on Dave's birthday!) Amalie is arriving!!! It's great! We all miss her so.

Work is a bit tough, lots of calls and not very nice ones. We're all feeling a bit stressed out and tired over that.

But hey... Six people living on 22 Vicar for a couple of days. How about that, huh? Then Olof (who doesn't really live here but spends most nights) goes home to Sweden for his vacation. (Home? I didn't mean home. Cork is home. Sweden is gestapocountry.)

Well, all in all, life is pretty good.

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