Monday, May 5, 2008

The joy of the last week

It's lovely to hear about Sara's adventures in Sweden, especially since they include my hometown aswell. The description as "The place that God forgot" is a pretty good description sometimes, even if it happens that I like Luleå every now and then (but don't tell anyone!).

Anyway, what is happening in Cork? Not that much, except that it's happening alot. Last Sunday Johan came from Sweden, on Monday it was Kristina's mum and their friend Robin who arrived and on Saturday Viola came to Cork. Kristina's mum and Robin left yesterday. Our house has been quite full, and since Viola stole my bed I spent Saturday night at Olof's for the first time. But it has been a quite quiet weekend for me, hardly no alcohol at all.

On Valborg we had a BBQ and after that we went to Tom Barry's. It was a nice evening which ended with taco fries (everything ending with taco fries is good).

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