Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Holiday Worthy of a Squirrel

Since none of the girls are blogging about their adventures in Cork I guess I'll have to fill up the space with my rambling about Sweden.

Spending Valborg in Uppsala was great and well worth all the trouble I had getting there (from now on Airport bitches and SJ are the new objects of my undying hatred). I met up with Jojo and Jens II early in the morning, ate breakfast with some catholic people and watched the students get wet as they conquered the river on homemade, quite unstable, rafts. And no Valborg would be Valborg without obscene amounts of alcohol, so the first can was opened at 9 am and the last drop was drunk at about 2 am. Considering the fact that my preparation for this holiday included no food, no sleep and (of course) a bug I am a bit impressed that I actually lived to see the 1st of May. Anyway, the rest of the day we lay on a blanket in the sun and enjoyed the mood, the Smirnoff Ice and life in general. We also made an attempt to do some barbeque and hanged out with loads of people that I knew way back when...

The 1st Jojo and I mostly spent on a blanket by the river and soaked up the sunlight - too bad that I am a redheaded, pale person with freckles and nowadays a bright red nose. Note to self: always use sunscreen.

Since I had to leave Jojo at the train station way to soon I spent the rest of my time in Uppsala with Jens. Friday was a day filled with Final Fantasy VIII and in the evening it was time to go to the train station myself for a 13 hour trip to Luleå.

Now I've been here for not more than 1,5 days but I have already got 4 mosquito bites. I have also been used as a household slave and therefore spent the day sewing, ironing, baking, cooking and cleaning (anybody who knows me knows that that's just wrong). Right now the only good thing about this place that God forgot is that I have been signed up as a puppy nanny to a 12 weeks old Schnauzer girl that mom and I will pick up on Tuesday. That is a quite good reason to stay positive (:

Over and out from Sweden!

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