Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One time, at band camp

Okay, so there was this party, like, and there were, like, loads of people and loads to drink and loads of fun, really cool, like. Then, the day after Johan came to town and he was kind of mad but cool anyway. And then, we all ate American breakfast in Deer Park and watched Police Academy and it was soooo cool, like!


In a few hours I am going back to Sweden and I won't be back until June. It feels a bit strange, but I am sure that it will be good for me to get away a bit (even if it means living with my parents for a month). First stop will be in Uppsala, where I'll celebrate Valborgsmässoafton (Swedish holiday who advocate drinking and pyromania) with Jojo, Jens and Jens. I guess this means that my countdown is almost over for now (:

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