Saturday, April 5, 2008

Both the End and the Beginning

I never told the end to my story about the Adventurous Trip to Sweden. It was an interesting weekend. Tegan and Sara was awesome (I could go on forever about that concert), spending an evening watching dyke movies was educational, song contest finale and touring Gothenburg with my sister was nice indeed and of course hanging out with Mia for the first time in forever was great.

But the most interesting thing for me was that I came to Lund kind of heartbroken and nervous and left Lund as a confused but happy person. A rather un-single person. I like that. I like her. A lot.

So now I am counting the days (25) until I'll be back in Sweden and actually get to see her again. It is rather hard sometimes, and right now I really wish there weren't a bloody sea and two (rather unnecessary) countries separating us. But I knew what I signed up for and even though it might sound a bit pathetic, she is worth the wait.

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