Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lost in Translation

This is not a good day. At all.

All three of us are down with the same bug: headache, sore throat, runny nose, swollen glands and aching body - times three. And all of us work at the same place so we can't be home sick at the same time. Today Kristina stayed at home in bed which meant that I had to drag myself to work and she wasn’t the only one who didn't come in to work. Right now we are 4 people covering the Nordic market; Ida and I are alone on trying to deal with the Danish line. I do not understand Danish, not even a little bit, so it takes me like 5 minutes just to understand that they have the wrong number.

Most of all I just want to go home, pull my duvet over my head and then break down and cry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's ireland for ya..bugs, bugs, bugs.. and rain. but what a lovely place it is.

keep on havin fun! going to england in june, might fly over to ireland as well.
