Saturday, March 1, 2008

The story of Maria and the beers

Thursday and Friday we have been out and drinking beer, I have been drinking beer! I have probably been drinking more beer since I came here than I have in my whole life. For you who don't know about me and beer, the thing is... I don't like beer. But I guess that if I continue drinking beer every now and again, I will start like it or something. Last night I had a Guinness, which, according to my brother's girlfriend, is something I had to do before I'm allowed to come home.
Speaking of things that I don't like but that I want to learn to like, I need to learn to drink coffee too. That is next on my list... (Yes, I have loads of lists, because I'm Swedish!)

Yesterday was payday, and tomorrow is shopping day and we're going to H&M in Limerick. Today might be shopping day too, since I need some bits and bobs and it's lovely weather outside, and what can be better than go into town and buy some stuff?

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