Tuesday, February 26, 2008

'Tis a black day

Today Amalie handed in her resignation. She will move back to Denmark in a month. It's a hard blow against the whole mafia, but even more I think to us on Vicar since she's like our housepet. She spends almost as much time here as she does in her own home, or at least it feels that way to me. (Since she's sleeping in my bed.) She has a toothbrush here, her black dress is hanging over the back of my chair, her blue slippers are laying around on the kitchen floor and all of a sudden it feels so sad to see them there, so everyday, and soon gone. She's so much fun, and we'll all miss her so extremely much. I can't imagine that some new dane will come along and take the seat next to mine at work and be so wonderful, always ready to help, so smart and such a good friend.

She has promised to visit though, and I will visit her as well.

Tonight I'm making chicken with lemon and tarragon, mom's speciality, and Sara has been to the gym, and we're not gonna watch Buffy 'cause Sara's going to bed early so me and Maria are watching something else... And yeah, that sums it up I think. Yesterday we watched Buffy (we're almost through the second season! Only Becoming 1 & 2 left) and tomorrow we're gonna watch Grey's Anatomy and that sums up the week as well I think...

And oh yeah... We never watched the Oscars since they did'nt even air it! Were gonna download it though.

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